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Jodhpur, rajasthan, India
Myself Dr. pradeep Charan belonging from jodhpur. I am a firm believer in homoeopathy along with its scope in restoring the health of patient from sick to cure as mentioned by Sir. Samuel Hahnemann. As our Master Hahnemann i am also believes in Highest Ideal of Cure. CONTACT : 1-C-382 Kudi Bhagatasani Housing Board Jodhpur (raj) Mob : +919252543550 Email : ambunj@gmail.com

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

होम्योपैथी -Hahnemannian Oath


होम्योपैथी  का बचपन ओर  उसकी                                                                                                                                                                                  तरुणता दोनो के ही रास्ते बहुत ही पथरीले
 रहे है।  हैनिमैन  स्वंय एलोपैथिक चिकित्सक थेएक दिन एकमेटिरिया-मेडिका” का अनुवाद करते समय उन्होनें देखा कि स्वस्थ शरीर में यदिसिनकोना की छाल का सेवन किया जाये,तो कम्पन ओर ज्वर पैदा हो जाता हैओर सिनकोना ही कम्पन ओर ज्वर की प्रधान दवा है। यही हैनिमैन की नवीन चिकित्सा का मूल सूत्र हुआ। इसके बाद ,इसी सूत्र के अनुसार ,उन्होने कितने भेषज-द्र्व्य् का सेवन किया ओर उनसे जो-जो लक्षण दिखाई देते,उनकी उन्होनें परीक्षा की। साथ ही किसी रोग मे वे ही सब लक्षण दिखाई देते,तो उसी भॆषज-द्र्व्य् को देकर वे रोगी को रोग मुक्त करने लगे। होम्योपैथी के मूल में एक प्राकर्तिक सिद्दात निहित है। लैटिन में इसे similia smilibus curentur ( रुचि का उपचार रुचि से ही हो) कहा जाता है। तत्पयर यह है कि किसी भी रोग का निदान करने के लिये किसी ऐसी ओषधि की खोज की जानी चाहिये,जो स्वस्थ मनुषों पर उसी रोग के लक्षण उत्पन्न करने में समर्थ हो।उदाहरणार्थ जब कोई स्वस्थ मनुष्य cannabis indica (भाग) का सेवन करता है,तो वह मति-भ्रम का शिकार हो जाता है। वह हंसता है तो हंसता ही रहता है,पास की वस्तु बहुत दूर रखी दिखाई देती है,बात करता है,तो लगातार बक-बक करने लगता है,पेशाब बूदं-बूदं टपकता है ओर साथ में जलन भी होती है। होम्योपैथिक सिद्दातं के अनुसार यदि किसी रोग में ये लक्षण हों ,तो इसका निदान होम्योपैथिक ओषिधि-cannabis indica से सम्भव है,जो भांग से तैयार की जाती है।

इस प्रकार हम इस निष्कर्ष पर पहुचे-
1) होम्योपैथी मूल भूत प्राकर्तिक सिद्दातों पर आधारित है।
2) ओषिधियां रोग उत्पन्न कर सकती है।
3) किसी ओषधि के पूरे प्रभाव को जानने के लिये उसका परीक्षण स्वस्थ मनुषों पर किया जाता है।
4) किसी भी रोग का इलाज करने के लिये उस ओषिधि का चयन होता है,जिसमें वह लक्षण हों,जो रोग में हो।
किसी स्वस्थ मनुष में,ओषधि देने के पशचात जो भी मानसिक ओर शारीरक लक्षण उत्पन्न होते हैं,उनकी चर्चा materia medica में की जाती है।( materia medica यानी लक्षणों का शब्द कोश)
मैनें शुरु मे लिखा कि होम्योपैथी कि राह बहुत ही पथरीली रही है, कारण जर्मनी में हैनिमैन को उनके समकक्ष चिकित्सकों ने टिकने ना दिया,ओर आज भी सरकारी उपेक्षा का शिकार होम्योपैथी ही रही है,चाहे इन्टर्नेट पर लैन्सट की रिपोर्ट जो होम्योपैथी को अमान्य ओर बकवास चिकित्सा पद्दति करार देती है,इसके बावजूद भी होम्योपैथी अपनी जगह बनाये हुये है।
Hahnemannian Oath

"On my honour I swear that I shall practice the teachings of Homoeopathy, perform my duty, render justice to my patients and help the sick whosoever comes to me for treatment. May the teachings of master Hahnemann inspire me and may I have the strength for fulfillment of my mission."

1)Mission of physician
2)Highest ideal of cure
3)Knowledge of physician.
4)Preserver of health
5)Exciting and fundamental cause, importance of constitution
6)For the physician the disease consist only totality of symptoms.
7) Totality of symptoms
8)Once symptoms are eradicated disease is cured
9)Vital force
10)With out vital force organism is dead.
18)Totality is the sole guide to direct us in choice of remedy
19-21 What is curative in medicine
22) 2methods of treatment
23)Antipathic method
24,25)Merits of homoeopathy
26-35)Natural law of cure and explanation
26-natural law of cure
27-Curative power of drugs
28,29-modus operandi of cure
30-34 Superiority of artificial morbific agents
36-46)What happens when dissimilar &similar disease meets
46-Fixed miasm ,accessory miasm
50)Limitation of natural morbific agent
51) Happy go lucky operations are cure offered by nature.
52) practicing onetime homeopathically & at another time allopathically is criminal treason against homoeopathy
54,55,56)Different modes of treatment
63-65)Primary action& secondary action
71) 3 point operation
72)General survey of disease acute & chronic disease
73)Acute disease &classification
74)Drug diseases
75)Drug diseases are most incurable
76Drug diseases are to be remedied by vital force itself
77)Pseudo chronic disease
78)Natural chronic disease
79)Syphilis & Sycosis
80,81) Psora fundamental cause
83)Requisite qualities of physician
1)Freedom from prejudice
2)Sound sense
3)Attention in observing & fidelity in tracing the picture of disease
84-104)Case taking
91-Pure symptom should considered
92-Conjoint malady
94-99 Difficulty in taking chronic cases
95-Lessor accessory symptoms-Due to long suffering patient become used to these symptoms & pay little attention
97-Indolent patients
100to102-Epidemic diseases &genus epidemicus
105-145)Drug proving
108-Proving should be done in healthy human beings
109-Hahneman was the first to start proving on healthy human beings
113-Proving of narcotic medicines secondary action are to be observed
115-Alternating actions
123-medicine for proving should be given in simple unadulterated form
125-Diet of prover
126-Qualities of prover
127-Medicine to be proved both in males &females
128-Proving should be done in 30th potency
140-Proving in illiterate provers
141-Physician is the best prover
143-Real materia medica

147)Homoeopathic specific remedy is similimum
153-Characteristic symptoms
155-61)Homoeopathic aggravation
157-What is homoeopathic aggravation
158-Prognostic value of homoeopathic aggravation
161-In acute disease aggravation lasts for few hours in chronic disease first 6,8 or 10days
162-171)Imperfectly selected medicine
163-accessory symptoms, are new symptoms appearing after administration of partially indicated medicine.
164-Small no. of symptoms is not an obstacle to the cure.
165-Unhomeopathic medicines.
169,170-When totality of symptoms is not covered by a single medicine but 2 medicines partially cover more suitable given first .And it is not advisable after the employment of more suitable of the 2 medicines .to administer other with out fresh examination.
171-To treat non venereal chronic disease several antipsoric remedies can be given in succession
172-184)One sided diseases
173-What is one sided disease
174-One sided disease with a affection of external kind is called local malady
180,181-Accessory symptoms while treating one sided disease
183-Second prescription
185-203) Local maladies treatment
185-Allopathic idea of local maladies was that external parts are only involved and rest of body did not participate in this disease
186-Surgical diseases
190-Judicious treatment of local ailments is internal medicine
194-External application should not be done
204-209) Treatment of chronic diseases
204-Cause of chronic disease
207-Treatment history
208-Personal history
209-Base of prescription
210-230)Mental disease their classification & Treatment
210-One sided diseases are psoric in origin.
211-Mental disposition determines selection of remedy.
216-Mental diseases first type after disappearance of physical symptoms.
219-Lucid interval.
220-Treatment of these type of mental disease with antipsoric treatment.
221,222,223-Menatal disease second type, sudden out break of insanity they should be first treated by acute medicines followed by antipsoric treatment.
224-Mental diseases third type, mental disease of doubtful origin.
225-Mental disease fourth type ,due to emotional factors like anxiety, worry, vexation.
228-General management of mental disease.
231-234)Intermittent &Alternating disease.
235-244)Intermittent fever.
236-Time of administration of medicine .
242-In epidemics of intermittent fever repeated dose Sulphur or Hepar sulph in high potency is to be given..
244-In fever endemic in marshy districts small dose of potentised solution of cinchona bark to be given.
245-251)Repetition of medicines.
246-Necessities for rapid cure.
1-medicine must be homoeopathic
2-given in minute doses
3-repeated at suitable intervals
247-Repeatition of medicine at interval of 14,12,10,8,7 days
248-Schein symptoms caused by excess of homoeopathic medicines.
252)Obstacles to cure
253)Signs of improvement
257)Physician should avoid making favorite remedies
259-261)diet &regiment in chronic disease
262-263)Diet in acute disease
264-266)Selection of genuine medicines
267-271)Preparation of medicines
270 ( in 6thedition)50 millisimal scale
272,273)1 single simple medicine at one time
274)”It is wrong to attempt complex means when simple means suffice”, advantages of single simple medicines.
275-287)Strength of the dose for homoeopathic use
275-Large dose injures.
280- optimum dose to avoid aggravation.
284-Route of administration of drugs.
286)Magnetism electricity & galvanism.
287)use of north &south pole.
291)Water bath.


Experienced homœopathic observers know very well that the burning, stinging, enlarged glands, infiltration, hardness of the part, weakness, loss of flesh in a scirrhus of a mamma will not lead to a remedy that will act curatively, also that œdema of extremities, weakness, albumen in urine and heart symptoms, dyspnœa and anxiety furnish no basis for a remedy for the patient. All know that remedies given on such symptoms are only expected to comfort, and will not restrain the progress of disease nor very much prolong life.

The case is incurable until the case can be taken in a manner to Present what is true of the patient.

It has often occurred that a remedy has made brilliant cures when it suited the patient, even though it was not known to possess a strong likeness of the disease ; but let the likeness be first to the patient and last to the disease. The patient is first and the disease is last.

Study the patient and everything of the patient.

The hip-joint patient has pain in the knee, perhaps some trouble in the uterus, or headache which is said to be due to constipation.
To what is the constipation due ? Perhaps they had not thought of that.

The center of man is his LOVES. When the loves go wrong he is sick in his will, the very center. This we find in dealing with those who threaten to destroy their own life or the life of another.

A faithful, noble wife has no fault to find with her husband in her natural life, but finds herself with an aversion to him, does not want him to touch her. This is a symptom of the innermost of man, it is not on a par with the skin and the toe-nails.

The second point of consideration in the study of the patient is the intellectual functions, the reasoning faculties.

Memory disturbances come next in order in the mind but in study are less important.

Next to the mental symptoms in importance are the PHYSICAL GENERALS. The physical generals cannot be cured with Remedies that do not have the mental conditions.

First of these to be considered is the patient's relation to heat and cold. He may be very warm, desiring cool things, cool air, cool applications, cool food and light clothing ; or he may want heat, cannot be too warm. He may be so cold that there is lack of vital heat.

His desire for MOTION or REST is the next important physical general. Perhaps he cannot keep quiet, never comfortable unless he is walking. At the same time his shoulder may be more painful on motion of that part ; working the arm from the shoulder, and all that relates to that part, may be worse from motion.

The patient is first before his parts. Again you may have the patient himself worse from motions, and all his aches and pains worse from motion. How he is affected by the air is another physical general. He may be better or worse in the open air. If the patient is a woman, her menstruation must be considered.
Menstruation is a function of the body, and she will say that she is worse or better during menstruation, or worse just before or just after menstruation. The patient as a unit may be worse or better after eating ; himself all over may be better or worse after the rectal evacuation, better after stool ; these are important generals of the body.

As the blood is, so is the love. The colour of the discharge expresses the condition of the blood when there is a deterioration which renders them greenish. The greenish colour to discharge from the vagina, as in cancer, represents the condition of the blood.

When a symptom is common to all or to many remedies it is not important. Hahnemann's emphasis is upon the symptoms strange, rare, and peculiar. These are most important.

We go first to the generals and then to the particulars, proceeding from center to circumference.

Then we come to the particulars, the thing for which the patient comes to be treated. Most cases of hip-joint disorder cured by me in the past twenty-five years were cured by remedies not in the hip-joint list. By beginning the investigation in relation to the patient, you may find none of the particulars in the remedy selected, but the remedy cures the patient, and the particulars disappear.

EXAMPLE : DRY HACKING COUGH the patient was steadily emaciating.
Dr. Kent looked at the young man and noticed he had no overcoat on though it was very cold weather. Asking him why he wore no overcoat, Dr. Kent found that he was never chilly, but wanted the cold air, felt better in the open air, wanted to walk and work rapidly. LYCOPODIUM stopped his cough and he increased in weight and was cured.

You can give different remedies in succession without holding to any one, and after years, the patient is no better, they are not curing the patient.

Very sensitive patients should not be given too high a potency. For oversensitives it is best to begin not higher than 1M. This can be repeated two, or sometimes three times, and then a higher potency used. Each potency can be used two or three times with benefit.

Remedies will seldom be found in the lists of all the particulars ; you must omit some, but be certain to omit the particulars and not the generals.

Start with the most important, proceed to the less and less important, on to the least important.

You must get at the thing that is at the bottom.

The man himself is prior to his organs, more interior than his organs. The condition of the organs is the result of disorder more interiorly.

You become expert in the use of the repertory, increasing from year to year, as long as you live. It is a life work, a beautiful work, worth living to perform.

In the woman the menstrual symptoms, of all particulars, are nearest to the generals ; they are close to the life of the woman.

Sexual symptoms, especially desires and aversions, are analogus to loves and aversions.

The condition of the blood is analogus to the loves. Few remedies have recorded the condition of the blood, that it will not coagulate, but it is a high grade symptom. It is common for blood to clot, and rare for it not to clot.

The study of man as to his nature, as to his life, as to his affections, underlies the true study of homœopathics.

The more interior first, the mind, the exterior last, the physical or bodily symptoms.

The doctor who violates the law also violates his conscience, and his death is worse than the death of the patient.

Removing symptoms may not restore health to the patient. Curing the patient will remove the symptoms and restore his health (Organon No. 8).

We must be guided by the symptoms that are strange, rare, and peculiar.

However, some of the common symptoms may become peculiar where their circumstances are peculiar -- i. e. --- Trembling before a storm, or during stool, or before menses, or during urination, is rare and strange.
--- Weakness is also common if constant, but it comes only before menses, or before stool, or during a storm, it is at once quite uncommon, and changes the view of the case.
--- Chilliness, if constant, is common to many people, but if comes only before or during menses, before or during stool, or while urinating, or only when in bed in the night, or only while eating - then it is strange and peculiar, or uncommon.

The mental symptoms, composed of his reasoning powers, loves and hates, and memory. And then his general bodily symptoms and their circumstances, such as worse from cold, from warmth of every kind, from weather, wet and dry, from motion or rest, time of day, etc. These are of highest importance when they apply to the whole body.
--- The pain in the shoulder was worse before a storm. DULCAMARA cured at once.
--- Cold air may aggravate the patient but ameliorate the headache.
--- The patient is often better by motion, but his parts, if inflamed, are worse from motion.
--- Parts are better by heat when the patient is better from cold, and vice versa. The headache is better from cold, and the body is better by heat.
If we do not consider these circumstances, we do injustice to the Patient and his parts.

Common symptoms alone will lead to failure of the prescription.
We might as well attempt to prescribe for nervous dyspepsia, gastritis, jaundice, gallstone colic, enteritis, constipation, or a bilious temperament. The beginner often fails because he has secured only the common symptoms.

Many cases coming for advice express the particulars, and fail to give the symptoms that characterise the patient. This must be one of the most frequent causes of failure with the young physician.

With menses too late or suppressed or scanty, the patient weeping, with aversion to fats, nausea, vomiting, weight after eating, the young man will say PULSATILLA at once ; but wait a moment.
The patient is very chilly, likes the house, never needs the open window, is worse from motion, wants to keep very quiet ; now you change your mind and give her CYCLAMEN. Or, if she is better in motion and in open air, and craves it, and is too warm, then PULSATILLA. The physician cannot be careless, and cure as Hahnemann did.

I (Kent) seldom administer medicine until the paroxysm has been completed. When the first dose is followed by a perceptible aggravation, a second dose should never be administered until the amelioration, which follows the aggravation, has ceased.

An amelioration that begins forthwith also demands that all medicine be stopped, but such amelioration is seldom so striking as when the amelioration has been preceded by a slight aggravation. Immediate amelioration often indicates the absence of deep-seated disease.

The law seems to fail where the selection has been perfect, and the potency suitable by meddling with the action of the remedy. This fault is a common one and depends upon ignorance of the philosophy of Homœopathy.

A deep seated trouble changing under the action of a remedy, coming to the surface, though the suffering be increased ten fold the remedy must not be disturbed or the cure may never be realised. Though the patient say "I am so much worse, just see how I suffer", he must have sac lac.

The ulcer may close and a diarrhœa appear as intractable as the ulcer. This shows that the proper disease has no tendency to recover.

Nature operates under fixed principles. Now it must be known first of all that diseases recover from above downward from within out and in the reverse order of their coming. When the phenomena of disease do not follow this circumscribed limit of directions the disease is growing worse or at least progressing.

It is so common for a patient to return after a correct prescription saying, "I am much worse today". The physician must now look into the case. If the new symptoms are such as were noticed in the early progress of the disease the cure is certain if properly conducted.

If the new manifestation is felt on deep organs that have not heretofore been touched or given rise to symptoms, the disease may be known to be deep seated and most likely incurable.

Sharp aggravations after a prescription the direction being from within out is a sign of speedy recovery.

Following a prescription for chronic rheumatism, if heart symptoms intervene the patient never will recover.

If the acute symptoms following a careful prescription are prolonged, the recovery will be slow.

The law will fail to be of service to him who knows not how to apply it.

When you do not know what to do, why do you do anything ?
The great mistake rests in the ambition to do something. No man should consent to do a wrong as a substitute for an unknown right way. Be sure that you are right, then go ahead.

When we have to do with an art whose end is the saving of human life, any neglect to make ourselves thoroughly masters of it, becomes a crime. (Hahnemann).

There are physicians who call themselves homœopaths, but are so only in name, as they do not follow the methods worked out by Hahnemann.

The name of the disease does not reveal the symptoms in any case of sickness ; the symptoms are the sole basis of the prescription.

The intelligent physician does what law and principles demand and nothing more ; but the ignorant one knows no law and serves only his wavering experience, and appears to be doing so much for the patient, in spite of which the patient dies.

You cannot depend on lucky shots and guess work, every thing depends on long study of each individual case.

Science ceases to be scientific when disorderly application of law is made.

The physician spoils his case when he prescribes for the local symptoms and neglects the patient.

It is better to do nothing at all than to do something useless ; it is better to watch and wait than to do wrong.

Large doses really aggravate the disease, high potencies aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

A man who cannot believe in GOD cannot become a Homœopath.

Repeated doses may suppress the symptoms but will not cure ; you are getting only the primary action, the curative action is not at work.

It is worse than useless to give a second dose until the effects of the first dose have ceased.

Pathology has no place in an effort to select a medicine for the sick.

When a remedy has benefited a patient satisfactorily, never on your life, change your remedy, but repeat that remedy so long as you can benefit the patient. Do not regard the symptoms that have come up.

Never prescribe for a chronic case when you are in a hurry ; take time. Never give a dose of medicine until you have duly considered the whole case.

A keynote prescriber is but a memory prescriber ; he has memorised only and has not made it a part of his understanding.
Such prescribers are almost useless and it is among them that we find "falling from grace".

If a cure is made in the course of two or three years it is indeed a speedy cure. It takes from two to five years to cure chronic diseases.

In advance phthisis with pathological symptoms, if you prescribe for the old symptoms which should have prescribed for some years before, you kill your patient.

A sycotic is never cured unless a discharge is brought back.

Treat the cause and not the effects of disease.

The mind symptoms, if you can know them, are the most important. If the pathological symptoms seem to contra-indicate a remedy, and the mental symptoms to indicate it, these are to be taken.

In cases without symptoms, the patient must be kept on sac lac until you can discern some general, such as aggravation of symptoms in the morning, or at midnight. If the patient is only "tired", without guiding symptoms, you may know that it is liable to terminate in some grave disorder. Consumption, Bright's Disease, Cancer, or the like.

The healthier the patient becomes the more likelihood there is for an eruption upon the skin.


शूकर इन्फ्लूएंजा, जिसे एच1एन1 या स्वाइन फ्लू भी कहते हैं, विभिन्न शूकर इन्फ्लूएंजा विषाणुओं मे से किसी एक के द्वारा फैलाया गया संक्रमण है। शूकर इन्फ्लूएंजा विषाणु (SIV-एस.आई.वी), इन्फ्लूएंजा कुल के विषाणुओं का वह कोई भी उपभेद है, जो कि सूअरों की महामारी के लिए उत्तरदायी है। 2009 तक ज्ञात एस.आई.वी उपभेदों में इन्फ्लूएंजा सी और इन्फ्लूएंजा ए के उपप्रकार एच1एन1 (H1N1), एच1एन2 (H1N2), एच3एन1 (H3N1), एच3एन2 (H3N2) और एच2एन3 (H2N3) शामिल हैं। इस प्रकार का इंफ्लुएंजा मनुष्यों और पक्षियों पर भी प्रभाव डालता है। शूकर इन्फ्लूएंजा विषाणु का दुनिया भर के सुअरो मे पाया जाना आम है। इस विषाणु का सूअरों से मनुष्य मे संचरण आम नहीं है और हमेशा ही यह विषाणु मानव इन्फ्लूएंजा का कारण नहीं बनता, अक्सर रक्त में इसके विरुद्ध सिर्फ प्रतिपिंडों (एंटीबॉडी) का उत्पादन ही होता है। यदि इसका संचरण, मानव इन्फ्लूएंजा का कारण बनता है, तब इसे ज़ूनोटिक शूकर इन्फ्लूएंजा कहा जाता है। जो व्यक्ति नियमित रूप से सूअरों के सम्पर्क में रहते है उन्हें इस फ्लू के संक्रमण का जोखिम अधिक होता है। यदि एक संक्रमित सुअर का मांस ठीक से पकाया जाये तो इसके सेवन से संक्रमण का कोई खतरा नहीं होता। 20 वीं शताब्दी के मध्य मे, इन्फ्लूएंजा के उपप्रकारों की पहचान संभव हो गयी जिसके कारण, मानव मे इसके संचरण का सही निदान संभव हो पाया। तब से ऐसे केवल 50 संचरणों की पुष्टि की गई है। शूकर इन्फ्लूएंजा के यह उपभेद बिरले ही एक मानव से दूसरे मानव मे संचारित होते हैं। मानव में ज़ूनोटिक शूकर इन्फ्लूएंजा के लक्षण आम इन्फ्लूएंजा के लक्षणों के समान ही होते हैं, जैसे ठंड लगना, बुखार, गले में ख़राश, खाँसी, मांसपेशियों में दर्द, तेज सिर दर्द, कमजोरी और सामान्य बेचैनी।
इस के लक्षण आम मानवीय फ़्लू से मिलते जुलते ही हैं – बुखार, सिर दर्द, सुस्ती, भूख न लगना और खांसी. कुछ लोगों को इससे उल्टी और दस्त भी हो सकते हैं. गंभीर मामलों में इसके चलते शरीर के कई अंग काम करना बंद कर सकते हैं, जिसके चलते इंसान की मौत भी हो सकती है.
मनुष्यों मे शूकर इंफ्लुएंजा के मुख्य लक्षण
मुँह और अपनी नाक को ढक कर रखें , खासकर तब जब कोई छींक रहा हो ।
बार-बार हाथ धोना जरूरी है;
अगर किसी को ऐसा लगता है कि उनकी तबीयत ठीक नहीं है तो उन्हें घर पर रहना चाहिये। ऐसी स्थिति में काम या स्कूल पर जाना उचित नहीं होगा और जहां तक हो सके भीड़ से दूर रहना फायदेमंद साबित होगा।
अगर सांस लेने में तकलीफ होती है, या फिर अचानक चक्कर आने लगते हैं, या उल्टी होने लगती है तो ऐसे हालात में फ़ौरन डॉक्टर के पास जाना जरूरी है.
साभार : विकीपीडिया ( हिन्दी )
स्वाइन फ़्लू पर दो पावर पाइन्ट प्रेसन्टेन्शन को अवशय देखें , इसमे से एक डा. टी.वी. राव , प्रोफ़सर माइक्रोबाइलोजी , श्री देव राज मेडिकल यूनिवरसिटी , कोलार का , “ Swine flue outbreak 2009 “ है और दूसरा Homeopathy 4 everyone 2007 मे “ Homeopathy & the treatment of epidemic diseases “ नाम से प्रकाशित हुआ था ।
Swine flue outbreak 2009
डाउनलॊड लिंक : http://www.box.net/shared/uz79k46p0y

मिनेटेस डाट काम पर शेरी ने इन्फ़्लून्जियम पर कुछ रोचक आँकडॆ दिये । 1918 से 1957 तक इस औषधि के स्त्रोत फ़्लू से ग्रस्त रोगियों के नासिक स्त्राव और रक्त के सैम्पल से लिये गये । और इनमे से अधिकतर उन रोगियों से जो 1918 के फ़्लू की महामारी से ग्रस्त थे ।
1957 के बाद से दवा बनाने के ढंग मे बदलाव आया और दवा का स्त्रोत फ़्लू वैक्सीन से लिया गया । इग्लैंड की नेलसन होम्यो लैब इसकी मुख्य निर्माता और विक्रेता हैं और 1918 से 1957 अब तक लगभग 13 अलग –2 सैम्पल ला चुके हैं । इनमे से अधिकतर सैम्पल इसके पूर्व वर्ष मे हुये फ़्लू के वैक्सीन से लिये गये हैं । 1918 का फ़्लू वाइरस मुख्यत: H1N1 वाइरस था और यह अब तक के सबसे अधिक खतरनाक वाइरस की श्रेणी मे आता है । होम्योपैथिक दृष्टिकोण से मुख्य है इसकी प्रूविग जिससे उत्पन्न लक्षण लगभग वही थे जो फ़्लू के लक्षण से मेल खाते थे । नेलसन द्वारा उत्पादित इन्फ़्लून्जियम के अन्य उत्पाद निम्म हैं :
1. *Influenzinum (the 1918 epidemic) *
1. 2. Influenza virus A Asia /57
1. 3. Influenza virus A England 42/72
1. 4. Influenza virus B Hong Kong 5/72
1. 5. Influenza virus A/Port Chalmers 1/73
1. 6. Influenza virus A (Asian) 1954
1. 7. Influenza virus B (Asian) 1954
1. 8. Bacillus influenza 1918
1. 9. Influenza virus Az Hong Kong 1968
1. 10. Influenza virus Ar 1967
1. 11. Influenza virus B
1. 12. Influenza Co. (Combination of Az to 1918)
1. 13. Influenza virus a1.
नेलसन लैब के एम्सवर्थ ने इन उत्पादन पर अपनी कुछ इस तरह टिप्पणी की ,
"Our ‘Influenzinum’ is a nosode but it is old. pre 1985.
All the others are made from vaccines except 1989 and triple nosode.
As the flu strains vary from year to year we make up fresh potencies
from the years ‘most lightly flu’s’ vaccine each year in October".
लेकिन अपने देश मे कौन सा उत्पाद प्रयोग हो रहा है , इसके बारे मे दो प्रमुख कम्पनियाँ , बोइरोन इन्डिया और श्वाबे इन्डिया ने भी अब तक कुछ खास जानकारी नही दी है ।
फ़्लू /स्वाइन /बर्ड /या आम फ़्लू से बचने के लिये इन्फ़्लूनिजियम प्रयोग करने का सही तरीका क्या है :
होम्योपैथिक दृष्टिकोण से कोई फ़र्क नही पडता कि वह कौन सा फ़्लू है , स्वाइन / बर्ड / या आम फ़्लू , मुख्य है फ़्लू के लक्षणॊ का औषधि से मेल खाना ।
इन्फ़्लूनिजियम नोसोड श्रेणी मे आता है और इसका व्यवहार भी सावधानीपूर्वक करना चाहिये । इन्फ़्लूनिजियम 200 सपताह मे एक बार चार सप्ताह तक लगातार और इसके बाद महीने मे एक बार लें।
Influenzinum 200 c – take one dose every week for four weeks, and then, take the last dose one month later. This is intended as a strengthening/preventative measure
फ़्लू के लक्षण प्रकट होते ही किन औषधियों का प्रयोग करें :
  • ओसिलोकोकिनम या ऐनस बार्ब 200c : फ़्लू की शुरुआत होते ही इसका प्रयोग करें । फ़िलहाल अपने देश मे उपलब्धता नही के बराबर है ।
Oscillococcinum aka Anas Barb 200c. There are two names for this remedy. It’s Anas Barb in Nelsons. This is to be taken on the first onset of ‘flu symptoms. It should catch the early onset of the ‘flu. Though it’s not availbale in India .
  • चुनी हुई सही चयनित औषधि : होम्योपैथिक औषधि प्रयोग करने का यह तरीका सबसे कारगर और सही है । फ़्लू हो जाने पर सही चयनित औषधि का चयन किसी कुशल होम्योपैथिक चिकित्सक से करवायें और प्रयोग करें । इससे संबधित इस लेख को भी देखें ।
The Indicated Remedy if you actually get the full blown ‘flu, then give the indicated ‘flu remedy according to the symptoms. Here’s a good guide: http://www.hpathy.com/diseases/Swine-flu-symptoms-treatment.asp
आम प्रयोग होने वाली होम्योपैथिक औषधियाँ : लक्षण के अनुसार : [ मार्गेट टायेलेर की Pointers to the common Remedies देखें । ]
Eup Perf
Rhus Tox
Nux vom
Cyprepedium pubescens
Scutellaria lat

Never leave a remedy until you have tested it in a higher potency if it has benefited the patient.




Sudden chest congestion due to dry cold wind, restless
Antim crud
Milky white tongue
Allium Cepa
Eyes, nose, water; sneeze
Strains with soft stool, tired weak
Oedema, scanty urine, feels hot
Arg Nit
Opthalmia, fluttering stools, loud eructations
Aggravation 1 a.m. Extremely weak
Head hot, painful
Most sensitive to movements
Carbo Veg
Flatulence and weak
Weak and flatulence
Cuprum Met
Frequent burning urine
Grits teeth, bores nose

Calcarea Carb

Impaired nutrition, irregular bone development

Calc Fluor

Glands hard, Varicose veins


Local paralysis


Storm in temper, irritable



Cicuta Virosa



Menses painful


Crampy pains, Sciatica


Pulse very slow


Whooping cough


Nettlerash, diarrhea, eye inflameld by damp cold


Head, neck throbs


Ptosis, profuse urine


Sticky oozing, constipated

Hepar Sulph

Sensitive to touch-inflammed part


Nerve centres crushed or affected



Iris V.

Acidity, vomit and headache


Glands (except breast) swell


Changeable moods, effects of grief

Kali Carb

Aggravation 3 a.m.

Merc Cor


Mag. Phos

Cramping pains – amelioration heat

Nitric Acid

Mouth blisters, anus fissures

Nux Vomica

Frequent urge-stool-urine


No secretion

Phosphoric Acid

Nervous debility, diarrhea



Rhus Tox

Restless-muscular pains


Defective assimilation


Styes, frequent urine


Burning in patches, standing uncomfortable



Veratrum Alb

Colic, vomit, loose stools, cold sweat-forehead
